Wednesday, 17 February 2016

You Choose..

You get the choice do you want to change the flag, Yes or No.

Here are your choices,

If you answer Yes you want to change to this flag put a Yes or a 1 in the comments.

If you answer No you don't want this flag to change put a No or 2 in the comments.

Remember it is your choice.


Let's look back to my day on the 16th of February 2016. The year 8's went to the last 'Volvo Sailing... Have A Go' with school. We were at school early to leave to go to Maraetai Beach where we were sailing 2 person boats. When we got to our destination we changed into our gear and set up our boats.

After the boats were ready we were asked who would like to go on the Weta. Emma and I raised our hands. Going on the Weta was an AMAZING experience. We were the first wet and now I understand why it is called the Weta. I had a rush of energy and was on a high for the rest of the awesome day.

After going on the Weta Emma and I went in a two person boat and cruised around with the others until lunch. After lunch we swapped partners and I was with Nick and we cruised some more before capsizing. 

The energy you get from capsizing is a nervous and excited energy and when we climbed back into the boat we were bailing and laughing so much.

The funniest part of the day was being towed back to shore because we came untied and were almost left behind and then a few minutes later Karlson and Meagan rope snapped off their boat and we had to go and get them before being towed in to the shore. 

Overall it was a great day and it would be a place I would recommend to anyone. 

Friday, 5 February 2016

The New Year

Welcome to a New Year everyone.

You have new beginnings and you get a chance to start again and try harder.

Last year at Prize Giving I received multiple awards including

  • The Frost Family Cup for Overall Excellence in Year 7
  • The Trophy For Excellence in Computer Science
  • Certificate for Participating in Ukulele
  • Certificate for Participating in Choir
This year I am also School Leader with Meagan and Karlson