I know what you are thinking now, well I think so any way. You're thinking, 'what is the point, the flag referendum is over'. I still think the flag needs changing and they already spent 26 million on this, and now it is just over. Well I have taken to the Internet and seen what people think.
I have also added my own opinion.
What I Am Thinking...
At the start of this whole thing and last year I was so against the idea of changing the flag but I read this article and in a way it changed my whole point of view and that is where most of my feelings are coming from during this.
I feel that they have spent so much time and money and everything else that it is a waste to in a way just give up on the idea. I don't know how it started in the first place but the more I read about the more the idea seemed right to me.
- Maori
- Kiwi
- Indians
And think about all the tourists that come and go and then love us so much they will move here because speaking for myself at least our country is the greatest.
Continuing, I have seen things and heard things about the flag that it could be changed to looks like a corporate logo. Well give me 5 good reasons why that should matter. I'll give you a second to think. Anything good come to mind. Didn't think so, why does it matter if it looks like a corporate logo. Corporations spend a lot of money on making their logo perfect. And we have done the same. I don't know about you but I tend to remember logos more than flags.
So many people have argued we shouldn't change the flag because so many fought for it, but did they. I think not, I think they fought for our country not the flag. Yes they may have fought under the flag but they did not fight for it and I will stick with that unless something huge moves me and by huge mean gigantic.
To be honest I think I could go on and on but I will leave it at that. Now moving on, The Public's Response.
This is the Stuff news page about it, please read through it and post in the comments what you would have/have voted for and why.
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